Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Yesterday evening after getting back from a quick trip to Gloucester and MAYBE a Starbucks coffee with a dear sweet friend, I saw some geese down at the creek. Again I ended up smacking myself in the forehead, cause you guessed it NO CAMERA with me. So I dashed home (about a 1/4 of a mile) and back but they weren't swimming anymore they were eating grass and that is just no fun so I didn't take any shots of them. I decided to ride down Harpers Creek and sure enough.. there were a couple of different birds down there so I snapped a few the lighting wasn't great but the birds were pretty and graceful none the less.

Osprey My plan is to get the perfect Osprey shot and take it to Mrs Trusch for her to enjoy! I happen to love how the light caught this one.


Snow Egret... if you notice his beak and foot is orange.. neat huh?

Red Wing Male Black Bird

Heron (I really loved this one)


Great Egret

Osprey again the light was great on this one...

1 comment:

  1. It looks so beautiful where you live. Can't wait to see it!
    Lovely, lovely photos.
